Spotlight on...the students of Food as Art with Anna Larson

The first run of Food as Art  was this spring and I was blown away by the work of my students. My heart is so full from watching others become inspired and motivated to grow in this area of photography. It's incredibly fulfilling to see concepts absorbed and then come to life through everyone's work. Food is such an important part of our culture and I love that the students created work that was meaningful to them.

After two weeks together in our online classroom, each student is invited into a private Facebook community where we continue to grow alongside each other. This is all about the journey.

I'm already looking forward to the next round this fall! If you've been wanting to dive into food work, I hope you'll join me! Registration opens on August 22nd at 12 noon EST. 

Anna Larson | instructor of Food as Art

Now for some beautiful images from my alumni...

Dianne Reilley

Dianne Reilley

Dianne Reilley

Dianne Reilley

Tania White

Tania White

Registration for this class and all Illuminate classes opens on August 22nd at 12 noon EST. Last time this class sold out so don't hesitate to grab a seat if you are interested.